Turkey and Shell Pasta Soup

So how's everyone??? I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebration! Though I terribly miss my family back in the Philippines, I had a wonderful Christmas and birthday celebration with Ryan and the girls, and our close friends. Two days of good food with good friends is priceless!

Now, we're having some quality family time watching movies, playing our favorite games, reading books together and enjoying leftover holiday food. (",) I haven't been cooking since Christmas Eve...but last night, I decided to make this soup from our leftover turkey. It's like the Filipino Macaroni Sopas which is such a delicious and nutritious soup that is cooked with meat(chicken, beef or pork), veggies, milk and pasta. Instead of the usual elbow macaroni, I used Pappardelle's calypso blend shell pasta which is a combination of Lime Gnocchi Shell, Mango-Peach Sea Shell, & Red Southwestern Chile Lumache. We just love the flavor the pasta added to the soup. We ate it with some sourdough cheese sticks. Such a perfect combination for a cold winter night! Definitely, comfort in a bowl!

  • 16 oz. shell pasta or elbow macaroni, uncooked (I used Pappardelle's Calypso Blend Shell Pasta)
  • 2 cups flaked or chopped leftover turkey meat (or chicken)
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 small yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 medium sized carrot, chopped
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 4 Tbsp fish sauce
  • 14 cups turkey broth (I used the turkey carcass to make the broth) or chicken broth
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 can evaporated milk or full cream milk
  • Salt & pepper to taste

1. In a large sauce pan, over medium low heat, saute garlic in olive oil until light brown. Add onion and sauté until translucent. 

2. Add turkey, carrots, celery and bell pepper. Saute for a minute or two.
3. Add turkey broth and fish sauce. Bring to a boil. Add shell pasta. Cover the pot and reduce heat.
4. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring frequently until pasta is done.
5.  Stir in milk. Add salt and pepper to suit your taste.
6. Remove from heat. Transfer in individual serving bowls. Serve with your favorite crackers.


  1. My favourite part of roast turkey is the soup made with its bones. It is so rich and delicious. Sopas is always good and also Christmassy. I like the use of flavoured pasta. Happy new year to you and your family, Tina!

  2. turkey and pasta- what a wonderful combo and not something you see all the time! great idea

  3. What a fabulous soup!! Love the beautiful pasta, too~

  4. Great idea for leftovers. Looks real comforting too! Glad you had a good Christmas Tina. Here's wishing you a Happy New Year!

  5. Love this post, we've done the same thing after christmas...quality family time and recycled food :))

  6. Such an interesting combination ! Love those colorful pasta :)

  7. Ohh what a comfort, what a flavor..I love it Tina!
    It sound to me that you had great Holidays!!! Wish you and your Happy New Year!!!

  8. Tina, been a while since we last chatted. Just wanna drop by to wish u Merry Xmas & Happy 2012!

    With love from Singapore,
    Shirley's Luxury Haven

  9. This looks so warm and comforting, especially on a freezing day like today!
