Homemade Pecan Pie and A Happy Thanksgiving

-Picture was taken on Thanksgiving 2010-
It's Thanksgiving Day here in the US and as I reflect on all my many blessings, I want to share with you some things I am most thankful for. This is actually a list I made 2 years ago on Facebook Notes when I wasn't part of the blogosphere yet. Today, I want to share that list (with some additions) with you, my beloved readers with the hope of showing how good life is, no matter who you are...

1. I am thankful to God for His care, goodness, love, mercy and His grace which is more than enough for each new day. I am thankful for my faith which enables me to have extreme confidence in all areas of my life, knowing there is a divine plan for everything.

2. I am thankful for the kindness, compassion, patience and unconditional love that I got from two of the most important people in my life - my wonderful parents who taught me everything there is to learn by mere example of their lives.

3. I am thankful for the wonderful family that I have been blessed with...my parents, my brother, my grandparents, my aunts, uncles and cousins from the Flores, Lopez & Aguila sides. We have always been extremely close and I have always felt blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

4. I am thankful for the family I found when I married Ryan. The De Guzman’s and Mendoza’s have always been supportive & so loving, and are truly a good substitute for my own.

5. I am thankful for getting up each morning to the warm kisses of my husband. He’s such a wonderful man who inspires me daily, works so hard, and loves and understands me no matter what, like no one ever has!

6. I am thankful for my daughters who give me endless happiness and sometimes, headaches. They give me the reason to get up and keep going everyday. I’m thankful for being able to watch them grow and learn, and for all the games, stories, hugs, kisses, laughter and love we share.

7. I am thankful for all the love from family, relatives and friends that I experience in my life every single day which makes me see the beauty of life.

8. I am thankful for friends near and far…in real life & online for the joy and laughter they bring…for all the memories they help create.

9. I am thankful for our home...it's not big and gets too crowded at times but it's always filled with love and laughter (and sometimes, chaos because of sibling rivalry) and I will never trade that for anything in this world. 

10. I am thankful for my creativity, my artistic mind and hands that bring smiles to my loved ones.

11. I am thankful for my blog, Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner...my very own space where I can share my passion for cooking not only with my family and friends, but with the whole world.

12. I am thankful to the blogging community and you, my blog readers who never fail to make me feel that I am not blogging for nothing. Your unending support keeps me on my toes and make all the time and effort I put into this blog so worthwhile.

13. I am so thankful for modern science…for the internet…for my iPhone 4S...for yahoo…for facebook...for Skype. Keeping in touch with my family & friends from anywhere in the world is a lot easier!!!

14. I am thankful for nature which my family loves...its wonderful color that pleases my eyes...the lake and the sea where Ryan and Clarise could fish...the beautiful flowers, butterflies and birds that give Cherlin delight.

15. I am thankful for the hard times. Hard times keep me on track. They give me great empathy and some wisdom. I learn from them, and they make me proud to see myself growing rather than shrinking away afraid.

Life is tough, and it is so easy to give in to the stress of daily life and complain about all the things we think are wrong with our lives. We always see what we don't have instead of what we have...bad things instead of good ones. But life is good and God has given us a a lot to be thankful for! We should just open our eyes and learn to count our blessings more than our sorrows, never overlooking the small ones. 

Through this post, I wish that you will always find gratefulness in your heart, no matter what situation you face in life. This is what full gratitude means, and this is what Thanksgiving Day is all about.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day here, these are my wishes for all of you...May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be… May you turn your whole life over to Him and never cease to give Him thanks…May you keep gratitude alive in your heart and make every day Thanksgiving Day!!!

Today, let me share with you one of the all-time favorite Thanksgiving desserts I fell in love with since the first time I had it in Thanksgiving Day of 2004...Pecan Pie, that is. I made it last night for the potluck Thanksgiving dinner that we'll go to tonight. I just love how easy it is to make! Even if you make the pie crust from scratch like I did, you'll have a delicious homemade pecan pie in no time! 

  • 1- 9" homemade pie crust
  • 1 cup pecan halves 
  • 3/4 cup coarsely chopped pecans
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup
  • 3 large eggs, beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. In a bowl, cream butter and sugar together until fluffy then add salt, corn syrup, eggs and vanilla. Stir in chopped pecans.
3. Pour the mixture into the pie crust. Arrange pecan halves on top of the filling.
4. Bake for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.
5. Remove from oven and allow to completely cool down before serving.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving - Zos, Jes & Zeph

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the gang :) Your pecan pie looks really yummy !

  3. Lovely Thanksgiving post! And by the way, that is a beautiful pie. I haven't had pecan pie in years. My husband's mother always made the best pecan pie. This looks amazing!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, albeit a bit late. The pecan pie looks gorgeous!

  5. Wow, thks for sharing your long list for Thanksgiving! It only goes to show how much u appreciate life :) Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friend!

  6. what a beautiful post and beautiful family and stunning pie! Hope you had a great thanksgiving!
