11 Years and Counting...

Ryan and I are celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary today! Time sure flies! I can still remember how a storm almost ruined the most important day of my life! It was October 27, 2000 when Typhoon Reming (Xangsane) entered the Philippine area of responsibility. Ryan's mom and relatives were supposed to be arriving in Batangas from Mindoro on that day, but the Coast Guard cancelled all boat trips due to the typhoon, and there was no other way for them to reach Batangas. Ryan and I felt so bad that his mom couldn't come. He's an only son, so we could just imagine how terrible it was for her mom to miss her only son's wedding...but we couldn't simply reschedule it and let our months of preparations be wasted!
I was so sad for Ryan and felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything to comfort him. He spent the night at my aunt's house. And while I was supposed to be getting beauty rest at my parents' house, all I did was cry and worry about him. Both of us hardly slept that night.

October 28 came, and Typhoon Reming was hitting Southern Luzon badly. Aside from Ryan's mom and relatives from Mindoro, 2 of our bridesmaids and groomsmen and a couple of our wedding sponsors didn't make it to our wedding. But more than 250 guests still managed to come. With the strong wind and heavy rain, I honestly didn't expect that we could still get a good turnout. I must say that we felt so loved by our friends and relatives who, despite the storm, still find a way to be with us on our special day! With all the guests showering us with love and best wishes, our gloomy day turned into a very joyful and memorable one.

As the wedding reception came to an end, there was flood everywhere...and everyone had difficulty going home. Unfortunately, Ryan's officemates had car trouble and there was no mechanic available to fix it. So they ended up staying with us at my aunt's house. Yes...9 of Ryan's officemates were with us on our wedding night! With power outage and nothing much to do, we  spent the night drinking and sharing crazy stories. Sounds so weird for a supposedly romantic first night as husband and wife hah! But it was fun...and truly unforgettable! 

The next day, after Ryan's officemates left, we went to my parents' house and opened some of our gifts. In the afternoon, we headed to Manila, and the next day, to Cebu for our honeymoon trip. Everything turned out well in the end...

So, that’s our wedding story and it seems like only yesterday when that happened. 11 years and 2 kids later, here we are! 
It’s been 11 years with ups and downs but our love and marriage is stronger than ever...and Ryan is still all of those wonderful things (responsible, wise, loving, kind, funny and many more) that made me want to spend my life with him...and I love him more!

Yesterday, when the weather was so gloomy here, I can't help but remember our wedding day. To brighten things up, I thought of making an anniversary cake for us. As I've said before, I'm not much of a cake decorator, so this cake is just simple...but something we both love. It's Banana Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache Frosting and Cream Cheese & Pecan Filling. It may sound complicated, but believe me when I say it is so simple and easy to make! It is more like a banana bread...you just whisk together all the ingredients and you are done! The filling and frosting are both easy to prepare too! The only thing that took long was waiting for the cake to cool down before I could put frosting. :)

Chocolate Banana Cake:
  • 1 ¾ cups cake flour
  • 2 cups granulated white sugar
  • ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • 1 ½ tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 3 medium sized bananas)
  • 1 cup warm water
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
Cream Cheese Filling
  • ¼ cup butter, softened
  • 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 1 ½ cups confectioner's sugar
  • ¾ tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup chopped pecans
Chocolate Ganache Frosting:
  • 8 oz. semisweet chocolate morsels
  • ¾ cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 Tbsp unsalted butter
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and place rack in the center of the oven. Slightly grease two 9" round pans. Set aside.
2. In a bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, mashed bananas, water, milk, oil, and vanilla extract. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk until well combined. The batter is quite thin, don't worry. That's how the cake will turn so moist. Pour the batter into the prepared pans and bake for about 35 to 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. 
4. Remove from oven and let cool for about 10 minutes then transfer on a wire rack. When completely cooled, layer the two cakes with cream cheese filling in between then frost with chocolate ganache.
For the cream cheese filling:
1. Cream together the butter and cream cheese until fluffy. Add the vanilla extract. Add confectioner's sugar. Beat at low speed until mixed, then on high until smooth.
2. Spread in between the banana cake. Sprinkle chopped pecans on top.
For the frosting:
1. Place chocolate morsels in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Heat the cream and butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil.
3. Immediately pour the boiling cream over the chocolate and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Stir until smooth.
4. When ganache has completely cooled, beat until soft and fluffy. Then spread on the cake. Decorate as you please.
Last night, as Ryan and I reminisce our stormy wedding day, we shared a slice of our banana chocolate cake. It was nice to remember how we ceremonially cut and share the first slice of our beautiful wedding cake which was a gift from my dear cousin, Jesley. Too bad that we didn't get to enjoy it much. All we had was one bite each. I can't remember what happened to the rest of the cake.
But this cake, we'll get to enjoy! Nothing can stop us! And As Ryan and I wish for more blessed years together, let me virtually share with you this moist and chocolatey cake. (^.^)
God has blessed us in the past 11 years of our marriage and I believe that He has more in store for us in the years to come. He has been so good and I am grateful everyday for Ryan and his love for me.

Happy Anniversary, Ryan! Thank you for the past 11 years. I love you!

And to you all, a very happy weekend!!!


  1. Sometimes, you look at a couple who make each other so happy even on the rainiest of days and you know without a doubt that some things were simply meant to be. Happy Anniversary to a couple who were made for each other! God Bless and Best Wishes <3

  2. Your wedding photos are just gorgeous!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Tina! I'm so happy for u :) Wow, our anniversaries are so close!

    What an inspiring post! Bet u'll never forget that day. Thankfully, things turned out well & u're happily married! May u have many more years to come, sweetie!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! And the cake looks wonderful ^^

  5. Happy Anniversary, and I wish you many many many more!!!! You photos are beautiful and your cake just stunning!! Have a wonderful day!!!!

  6. Happy, happy anniversary!!! What a delicious way to celebrate~

  7. Yum banana's and chocolate what could be better in life other then celebrating 11 years! Congratulations!! P.S. You've been buzzed!

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a great cake to celebrate with:-)

  9. what a wonderful and beautiful cake for a beautiful marriage! Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great day!

  10. Happy anniversary to you both! The cake sounds delicious!

  11. Happy anniversary Tina. Wishing both you more happy years together. The cake looks awesome.

  12. A very happy anniversary to you, and what a fabulous cake to have as part of your celebration.

  13. Happy Anniversary! Love that you shared the old photos!! That cake looks so good!

  14. Happy anniversary! This story regarding your wedding day in spite of the storm convey how strong of a bond you two had back then and I am glad to see that it has grown-wishing you more wonderful years together.
    Great celebration cake, love how you did the hearts! I have saved the recipe to make at a later date-delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Happy Anniversary Tina and Ryan! 11 years later you two look even happier along with two beautiful daughters. What a happy family you are. Enjoy the anniversary weekend! :-)

  16. I LOVED the memories/story! What a time you had. We were married earlier that same year and had a downpour most of our wedding day. Thankfully, we didn't have to share our wedding night with other people! Best wishes for many more happy years together. You both have a wonderful family. The recipe sounds wonderful, also!

  17. What wonderful 11 years! Happy anniversary to you both.That's a delicious looking cake.

  18. hi tina.. happy anniv to you and ryan.. i remember omar telling me about your wedding.. parang nasa Gensan na kami nyan. Nauna lng kami sa inyo pala ng 1 month :) sept 28 kasi wedding namin. sorry di na din kami nailipad ng bagyong Reming sa wedding nyo. but look at where you and ryan are now.. happy together with 2 adorable kids. :)

  19. Happy Anniversary, my dear friend! ;D
    I'm so sorry to know about what had happened on your wedding day but both of you indeed had a very different, fun and special wedding night! ;)
    Beautiful and yummy cake! Guess I should also make one too eh!? lol ;P
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Very happy anniversary to both of you!
    And cake looks just amazing!

  21. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY , Tina !!! Wishing you both more happy years together :)& the cake looks delish ;)

  22. Happy anniversary!!!!! And what a great way to celebrate! HUGS!

  23. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Tina! I wish you have many more anniversaries to come.

  24. Thanks so much for all the greetings! It was such a lovely day for us reminiscing the past 11 years of our marriage. Your greetings made it more special!
