Pancake and Pancit Canton Bentos

Hi everyone! I'm posting from Texas City today! We left Little Elm yesterday to visit Ryan's aunt. We won't be home 'til Monday of next week, so forgive me my dear blogger friends if I won't be a good follower for a few days. I promise to make it up when I get back.

We had a long day yesterday and everyone is still asleep, except me. I'm the type who can't sleep beyond 6a.m. during weekdays, you know. My body automatically wakes up at around 6am even without alarm clock! Anyway, I'm taking this chance to post the bentos that I made yesterday for the girls. 

Texas City is about 320 miles from Little Elm, and takes us more than 5 hours to drive. When on a road trip, we try to minimize our stops as much as I always bring food for us, especially for Clarise & Cherlin. Yesterday, I woke up really early to prepare these bentos. We planned to leave before 6a.m. and I was already awake by around 4a.m. I want to prepare something special so they won't insist on stopping at fast food restaurants just because they don't want the food I packed for them. Guess what! It worked! We only had one stop which was just a restroom stop at Huntsville, TX, unlike before when we always have 3-4 stops which always include a fast food stop. Bento-ing is really an effective way to make my girls eat the food I prepare with excitement...and I really like that! 

I prepared two bentos each for Clarise and Cherlin yesterday, one for breakfast and one for snack. There wasn't much of elaborate arrangement because of time constraints, but the girls found the bentos cute enough. Check them out...

Bento #6: Pancakes, Bacon & Egg Bento (for Clarise)
What's in it: pancakes, bacon, egg, cheese and strawberries

Bento #7: Pancakes, Franks & Egg Bento (for Cherlin)
What's in it: pancakes, franks, egg, cheese and strawberries
For the bentos above, I used frozen pancakes due to time constraints. I shaped them with heart, cat and star cutters. To put the egg in the center of the pancake, simply cut a heart-shaped  (or any shape you want) hole in the pancake. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add a bit of butter and swirl around. Place the pancake in skillet and carefully crack the egg into the hole. Sprinkle egg with a bit of salt and pepper and cook until the pancake is nicely browned on the bottom. Next, you can either carefully flip the pancake over to cook the other side, or you can slide the whole pan under the broiler and cook until the egg is cooked to your liking. As for me, I prefer flipping the pancake over. It's quicker that way.

Bento #8: Pancit Canton Bento 
What's in it: pancit canton, kikiam* and fish balls
(for Clarise)
(for Clarise)
I used "Lucky Me Instant Pancit Canton" for the bentos above. I cooked it according to package directions and I just add egg strips and sauteed carrots and green beans in it. If you have time, you can use Pancit Canton cooked from scratch, and you can refer to this recipe.
*Kikiam or que-kiam is a Chinese roll made with ground pork and vegetables wrapped in bean curd sheets then deep-fried until golden.


  1. That is SOOOO cute! Wow, you are an amazing lunch packer...this kids must adore you!!!

    Buzzed it!

  2. So so cute! I love the little bacon and hot dog rolls/stacks that you did with the fancy toothpicks too. Can I please have one for my breakfast today? =)

  3. Oh my god I love these!!! These are SO adorable and I'm sure they all tasted delicious! My favorite is the heart with eggs and the hello kitty pancakes!

  4. Tina this is adorable..Love your ideas!!! You are really creative woman!!!

  5. Too cute...please be my mommy =)

  6. Your breakfast bento is ADORABLE!

  7. These look so cute! I love the idea of cooking the egg inside the pancake! Really clever and it looks so nice! <3 Well done Tina and enjoy your time with the family! <3

  8. tina , the bento looks so cute ! & of course I luvvv the pancit canton hahahaha your kids are quite lucky ;)

  9. What a cute idea!! I bet the girls loved it! :)

  10. So cute! I love lunch box ideas, makes my life easy :)

  11. Hi again Tina! I have an award waiting for you! You can collect it here: <3

  12. Your creativity always amazes me! What child could pass these up???

  13. That is so adorable - what a great way for your kids to wak up - a loving mommy and a cute breakfast!

  14. i am sure looking at these your kids must be thinking they are so lucky to have the sweetest mommy. Great creativity sweetie.

  15. Wow wow wow... while I haven't visited your blog, your blog got lots of cute bento!!! I love it! You are so talented making simple and typical sandwich lunch into a real lunch that kids look forward to eat. I'm looking forward to your bento post!

  16. very cute bent boxes . I Love pictures Of Food , I wish I Could Cook Better. Anna

  17. That is such a great idea! I travel with my kids a lot, and I can't believe I haven't thought about bento boxes! I love the pancakes - my mom did that for me, except it was toast. Brings back memories. It looks like you have more bento moments...I will have to visit a lot!

  18. Beautiful and great pancake with egg bentos! This is really a creative idea of putting the egg in the middle of the pancake and I must also try this out one day! ;D

    So glad to know that now your gals will prefer to have bentos over fast food! Very well done and keep it up Tina! :D

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. This is so, so much better than anything you can buy at the gas station. I love how you fried the egg in the center of the pancake. The pancit canton noodles look good too. I still have some of those noodles and will fry them soon :)
