Sweet Corn Flavored Ice Candy

It isn't officially summer in the US...but here in North Texas, where high temperature ranges from 93-96F, we can already feel the heat (which is heightened more by the tough match between Miami Heat & Dallas Mavericks)! On hot days like what we have now, ICE CANDY is the simplest treat that never fails to put smiles on my daughters' faces.

Ice candy is the Filipino version of pop ice that's in this little plastic bags, the end of which you nibble on to sip or bite the treat. The first time I shared Ice Candy here on Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner, I featured strawberry, avocado and chocolate flavored ice candy...now, it's SWEET CORN flavored. What's so good about making ice candy is that you can use any fruits that is in season or whatever is available in your pantry or refrigerator like chocolate, coffee, milk and even boxed or bottled juice. We love ice candy that I never want to run out of ice candy plastic bags. It's not available in Asian Stores here in the US, so I always ask friends coming back from the Philippines to bring us some. It's more economical to use compared to popsicle molds especially if you want to make lots of them.

If you loved my Avocado, Strawberry and Chocolate flavored Ice Candies, you'll definitely love this one too. Whether you are a sweet corn lover or not...this would be a very good summer treat for you!

I'm sharing this on Foodie Wednesday, Let's Do Brunch, Recipes I Can't Wait To Try, These Chicks Cook, What's Cooking Wednesday, What's on the Menu Wednesday, Miz Helen's Country Cottage's Full Plate Thursday and It's a Keeper Thursday

Yield 18 pcs.

  • 2 pcs corn on the cob or 1 can cream-style sweet corn (I prefer using freshly boiled corn on the cob.)
  • 3½ cups fresh milk
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • ¾ cup condensed milk

    1. If using freshly boiled corn on the cob:
    Using a knife, cut the kernels off the corn cob.

    2. Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. 

    If using corn kernels, remove corn hulls that will float on the surface after turning off the blender.

    3. Prepare 16-18 pcs ice candy bags. Funnel a little more than ¼ cup of the mixture into the bags. Corn will settle in the bottom of the blender pitcher so be sure to stir the mixture before pouring onto the funnel. 

    4. Tie securely.

    *For a more detailed procedure with pictures of making ice candy, click here.

    5. Freeze until set.


    1. Another great idea. I had never even thought of making Popsicles with sweet corn! These must taste delicious! I'll need to wait for summer to come back to try them, I can't wait! <3

    2. So cheap it was when I growing up, pay only 10 cents and many ladies make it and sell from home.

      Besides corn, we have the with the sour plum, green beans, durian and plenty more.

      I can imagine the great time your daughter had eating these lolly ice-creams.

    3. Hi Tina! PLS gimme some to cool myself here in SG! The weather here is so terribly humid that I'm melting!
      We call these ice pops here in SG but I seldom buy coz I find them too sweet. Seems like I've got lots of dishes from your site that I wanna cook for this mth! LOL

    4. Corn candies?!! this recipe is so unusual and interesting :)

    5. Oh how you bring back memories from my childhood. I love ice candy...we wouldn't have chocolate syrup so we'd use Milo for chocolate ice candies.

    6. Great looking ice candy! Thanks a lot for this.

    7. how cool is that! I am officially intrigued and impressed and so want to make these for my family come the fourth of july! Such a great idea! Your the best!

    8. What a great idea! It's so nice to see healthy refreshing snacks without all the additives.

    9. @ Manu & Lyn: That's what's good with anything homemade...you are always in control of what you want to put into it that will suit your taste. :)
      @Nava: Same in the Philippines...a lot of moms make and sell them from home. I remember I would always buy 1 on my way home from school. Avocado was my favorite flavor. (^.^)
      @Medeja & Easy Picnic Recipes: It's yummy! :)
      @ Rachel Joy: My bro & I loved Milo or Ovaltine flavored ice candy! Sometimes, my mom would add some cacao (tabliya) to make it more chocolaty. :)
      @Kitchen Belleicious: I hope you'll like it! :)

    10. What a lovely childhood memory you brought back with this post Tina. I remember not spending my school recess money, so I could buy this treat after school from a street vendor. Thank you.

    11. Oh, you're so welcome Ray!
      My mom used to supply ice candy to our school cafeteria from grade school to high school, so I was lucky enough to be eating ice candy anytime I want to...and I just loved it!

    12. I haven't seen these in ages. I like this flavour, like mais con hielo. We used to sell this outside our house when we were kids (like American children sell lemonade). We don't have ice candy bags here so I'll probably make them in lolly molds when I make this.

    13. Look at that gorgeous face!!! I love her smile!

      I've never had sweet corn ice candy... this I HAVE to try!

    14. Oh wow! I almost forgot about these! My mom used to make different kinds for us when we were kids - and this sweet corn version sounds absolutely unique and delicious =)

    15. Your daughter is adorable! I would havea huge smile on my face if someone made these too! Love the corn flavor- Im totally sold.

    16. Hey Tina! What a healthy snack idea and you don't have to feel bad giving ice candy! It's my first time seeing the ice candy bags. Interesting! Oh my TX is pretty hot huh...we're still 65-70F.

    17. These look like the perfect little snack for the summer! And it is HOT in CA! I'm sure my kids would love these treats too! :) Thanks for sharing

    18. hey tina , it looks yummy :D , how's the texture , btw ? made chocolate ice candy few weeks ago , added some uraro ( arrowroot) flour for a smoother texture but I guess I didn't put much so , some were smooth , some not :P :D

    19. How cool! This is something I would have never thought of go freeze pops. I want to make these for my kids soon. Thanks for sharing!

    20. @Anne: In the Philippines, cornstarch is used to make the ice candy texture smooth. As for me, I don't like the thought of eating ice candy with cornstarch so I just don't use water in my ice candy. It's all milk and sometimes, with all-purpose cream. Ice candy without water is smoother in texture though not as smooth as that with cornstarch.

    21. I've never heard of this but it sounds amazing. Can't wait to grab my boys and try this! Thanks for a great idea. First time here. Can't wait to come back again and look around some more. Thanks for the inspiration.

      Lots of yummy love,
      Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

    22. I would never have thought to use corn for Popsicles - but looking at your daughter's face, this has to be really tasty!

    23. Hi Tina,
      What a precious little girl! That candy looks awesome and fun! What a great summertime treat. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday, have a great week end and come back soon!
      Miz Helen

    24. What a fun treat! Your little girl is too cute :) I bet my son would love those ice pops too. Thanks for coming over to share your recipe at These Chicks Cooked Recipe spotlight. Have a wonderful weekend!

    25. What wonderful ice pops! I love your recipes for ice candy - and the sweet corn flavoured one is so interesting! Thank you for sharing your lovely recipes with Let's Do Brunch.

    26. i also made ice candy recently but the pineapple one. weird that we've been on and off a series of typhoons lately in the philippines and yet it's still so humid in between typhoons. ice candy is really perfect when you need to feel refreshed and it sure does bring a lot of great childhood memories ;)

    27. I am loving this! It has been many, many years since we have any of these. Thank you for sharing this. It gives me a lot of ideas.

    28. Where can I get these ice candy bags in the US?

    29. Sorry, I can't answer that. I can't find any here in our area...mine came all the way from the Philippines...

    30. Love this recipe. I recently found Ice Candy Bags on ebay here in the states. The kids had a great time making them over Easter.

    31. oh i loove this! Ice candy, mais con yelo and halo-halo are my fave summer treats! As a kid , the corn flavored one is definitely my favorite (although I still crave for mango and coconut every now and then.) :)

    32. hi tina. tnx so much for the info. do you have other recipes for other flavors of ice candies? i really want to make chocolate ice candy but i dont know the exact ratio/measurement of the ingredients.. tnx much! -from the philippines
