Pancit Puti (White Noodles) and My Brother's Birthday

I only have one sibling...a brother who is 2 ½ years older than me. As kids, we really didn't get along well. We weren't close growing up and we often fought intensely...but when we were both in high school, our relationship as siblings started to get better. We went to different schools but when I was a freshman and he was in his senior year, I became his messenger to this girl he fell in love with who was my schoolmate. I would deliver flowers, letters and other gifts for him. There started our friendship. When he went to college, we grew closer despite the distance. Since then until now, though we have a lot of differences, I can say we are pretty close...not geographically though! We have our own family and we live hundreds of miles apart...but I know that no matter what, he will always be there for me. We talk almost everyday over the phone and have occasional video chats...but I must admit that I wish we live close to each other so we could enjoy each other's company more often. 

As I remember him today on his birthday, I want to share with you a noodle recipe which I'd probably cook for him if he lives nearby. :) It's another version of the Pancit Bihon (rice noodles) which is called Pancit Puti. When I was working at China Bank in the Philippines, Pancit Puti used to be a craze in the office. All birthdays were celebrated with a big bilao (large woven tray) of this pale but so delicious noodle dish from Amber Restaurant. It is called Pancit Puti because it is white and unlike the common brown colored version, it is cooked without the soy sauce and has white chicken meat as the main ingredient.

Check out my Pancit Puti recipe as we all wish my dearest brother A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! As some of you know, pancit is always served on Filipino birthday celebrations because just like the Chinese, noodles for us, symbolize longevity of life.

I'm sharing this on Recipes I Can't Wait To Try, Miz Helen's Country Cottage's Full Plate Thursday, It's a Keeper Thursday, Food Trip FridayFoodie Friday, Fat Camp Friday, Friday Potluck@EKat's Kitchen and Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home.

  • 14 oz. white bihon (rice noodles), soaked for 15 minutes then drained
  • 2 cups cooked chicken, flaked or cubed
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • ½ medium-sized onion, minced
  • ½ cup green onions, chopped
  • 2 ½ cups chicken broth
  • 2 Tbsp fish sauce
  • 3 Tbsp vegetable oil, for sauteing
  • 2 Tbsp sesame oil (for additional flavoring)
  • 2 hard- boiled eggs, sliced
  • ¼ cup fried garlic, for topping  (For procedure on making fried garlic, refer to this post)
  • calamansi or lemon (optional)

1. In a wok over medium heat, sauté minced garlic in vegetable oil until light brown. Add minced onions and sauté until translucent.

2. Add flaked or cubed chicken and ¼ cup green onions. Saute until chicken is heated through.

3. Add broth and fish sauce. Mix well. Bring to a boil.

4. Add the soaked noodles. Keep on tossing to loosen the noodles. Add sesame oil. Add salt and white pepper to suit your taste. Cook until noodles are almost soft. Don’t overcook!

5. Remove from heat. To assemble, put noodles on a serving dish. Arrange the slices of eggs on top and sprinkle with roasted garlic and remaining green onions. Garnish or sprinkle with calamansi or lemon.


  1. Hi Tina! I LOVE this pic of you & your brother! xD
    Wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D
    Long life has been my most fav since young! ^.^
    This Pancit Puti looks very appetizing with those eggs & lemon slices! :D

  2. Pancit pinoy style, love it with calamansi :)

  3. Yummy Tina, just my version is with some fried dried prawns, can imagine the awesome taste.

  4. Happy birthday to your kuya, Tina. Love the pancit. I actually use chicken more often in pancit. I've never heard of this kind of pancit but it sounds so delicious.

  5. Oh, that sounds really delicious and thank you for explaining the significance of noodles in celebrations. Similarly, my older sister and I fought like crazy but we are very close now. We laugh now about some of things we did to each other back then. Well, that's a great photo of you together. Happy birthday to your brother!

  6. What a cute picture! And those noodles look delicious, too :)

  7. Happy Birthday Kuya! We hope you have a great one and you're so blessed to have a sister who can cook for your special day ;)

  8. Tina, I love this post! I got goosebumps! My sister lives thousands of miles from me and I miss her dearly :(( I know how you feel. Happy Birthday to your brother!!!

  9. Oh Happy Birthday to your brother! I wish I had a sibling too... unfortunately I am an only child and even though I didn't mind it while growing up, now I wish I had someone!!! sigh...

    Great looking dish and I am sure it tastes divine!!!

  10. This looks lovely and very appetising, I've never had a Filipino version of fried rice noodles, a real must-try :)! Happy Bday to your brother :)!

  11. I've never had pancit puti before but I'm sure I'd like it. I love ALL kinds of pancit. Happy B-day to your brother. :-)

  12. Hi Tina,
    What a lovely post, and a beautiful gift for your brothers birthday. I enjoyed learning all about the tradition. The dish looks delicious and I would really like to try it. Thanks for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!

  13. you made it look so easy and i bet its very delicious. thanks for sharing your recipe...happy birthday to your kuya and hope you'll get together soon! your post makes me missed my only brother, too! anyway, wishing you a great weekend!

  14. Hi Tina... there's something waiting for you here:

    Have a great weekend!

  15. First time ko marining ang Pancit PutiI guess the only difference is not putting soysauce. :)

  16. Yummy! This looks fantastic. Thank you so much for bringing it to Friday Potluck - I always love seeing your dishes.

  17. another yummy food to try!
    I am one of your followers now. haha! I definitely enjoy my visit and I will come back again.

    Hugs and blessings!

  18. Sorry for adding my comment this late...but I want to say this dish looks yummy!! I like the picture of you and your brother. I'm very close to my brother too, but now he lives in Thailand and it's harder to stay in touch. Cheers to our brothers!

  19. Now, that made me more hungrier. hahaha want to taste that! Hope you could find time visit my site

  20. Awe, happy birthday to your brother, may he have a long life ahead! The noodles look great, Thanks for linking this to Fat Camp Friday, see you next time!

  21. I hope your brother had a wonderful birthday! Your recipe would make a fantastic birthday meal - it sounds so yummy! Thank you for sharing it with the Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home Blog Hop. Hope to see you at the hop again this week!

  22. Cute presentation:)The following day, for lunch, I wrapped leftovers in Vietnamese fresh spring roll wrap with lettuce and cucumbers and served with peanut sauce..Thanks for a versatile recipe!

  23. Thank you for this post! I'm glad to find this recipe and I will cook this for my hubby. :)

  24. where can i buy the white bihon?

  25. You can buy white bihon in Asian stores...
