Baked Tahong (Baked Mussels)

Tahong (Mussels) is one shellfish I love (next to oysters that is)! Though back home, we seldom bought it because of the fear of red tide poisoning, which is very common in the Philippines when there is a high concentration of dinoflagellates (a type of algae that produces toxic substances that are poisonous to humans). When fishes and shellfishes eat dinoflagellates, they store the toxins of the algae in their digestive tract, making them dangerous to eat. I remember how careful my mom was in buying tahong. She would always wait for a month or two after the red tide warning had been lifted before she buys some.

I really like tahong in whatever way they are cooked, but my favorite is Baked Tahong. It is such a delightful appetizer that is so easy to make.

Most Baked Mussels that can be found in restaurants have mayonnaise in it. I prefer it with just cheese and bread crumbs. Whenever I make it at home, I add cream cheese and I use Panko bread crumbs. I really love the combination of creaminess and crunch that they add to my Baked Mussels! 

  • 2 lbs large tahong (mussels)
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 6 cloves minced garlic
  • ½ cup bread crumbs
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp parsley flakes
  • 2 stalks green onions, chopped (for garnishing)
1. Place tahong in a pan (no water), cover and cook over medium low heat. When shells open up, drain. Remove top shell.
2. Melt butter in microwave. Add minced garlic and stir.

3. Mix cream cheese and cheddar cheese together. Add salt, black pepper and parsley.

4. Preheat oven to 300F. Brush each tahong meat with butter-garlic mixture, top with cheese mixture and cover with Panko bread crumbs.
5. Arrange tahong on a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until panko bread crumbs turned light brown.
6. Transfer to a serving platter. Garnish with chopped green onions. Serve warm.


  1. That's a lot of work! As much as I love eating Mussels, but only I that eat it here,so It's very seldom that i cook one.

  2. Very cheesy=very yummy. I love tahong . It has a lot of flavour. I remember when baked tahong was a fad back home. Everyone had a different version and I loved them all.

  3. Never had tahong, these look fantastic, so I'll try and get some for myself!

  4. Reminds me of home... can't wait to be back home for good and have some of the food you posted here... Happy weekend ahead of you!

  5. WOW - these look divine! Cream cheese and panko - so delish!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday. I hope to see you again next week!!

  6. They look so appetizing. I love mussels too although I don't eat them too often. I have to say that your photos make me want to have those for dinner ... I really love your recipe - what a great appetizer.

  7. I need to start making seafood at home more often! I've never made mussels at home but always order them when I am out. This looks delish!

  8. baked mussels looks dleicious. In my home state also they make a similar preparation.

  9. I love mussels but I've never baked them. Will give it a try.

  10. Hi Tina! Beautiful Tahong you baked! Cream cheese, cheddar cheese, cheesy chessy cheese I LOVE! ^.^
    Beautiful presentation and I like the middle arrangement with carrots and what are the other 2 ingredients? Butterhead?
    Miss ya! Have an enjoyable weekend & actually now I'm always looking forward to your weekend posts! :D

  11. I usually don't prefer mussels because of it's strong taste but with the cheese and panko crusted I feel like I can enjoy this dish! Very nice appetizer! That all of us in my family can enjoy!

  12. I can imagine the taste right out hot from the oven and like you, oysters are also my fav, esp the raw ones.

  13. They look so good! Not too difficult and I'm sure delicious.. Nice recipe :) Thank you

  14. Fantastic appetizer! I love that you can have it as finger food! We make something similar in Italy but without cream cheese... I will have to try this version, it sounds soooo yummy! :-)

  15. A nice change from the tradtional French recipe, mussels done in wine. These would be great appetizers for a party. Who wouldn't go for all the melted cheese?

  16. scrumptious! your photos are mouth-watering.

  17. that looks really delicious...great recipe, thanks for sharing! have a great weekend! :)

  18. These look amazing. I will definitely try this recipe.

  19. I love baked mussels, but I love baked oysters better! ^_^

    Visiting from FTF! Here's mine: Chooks To Go - Rustan's Gateway

  20. wow!! so creative! i love tahong! hope you could also visit me at
    i added this into my blog roll.

  21. Tina-This is magnificent...just one problem here, we can't get the mussels as big as these in our area, S. Florida.
    Love the recipe, and the lovely photos as well:DDD

  22. we are seafood lovers in this house and those mussels look like pure perfection. I can't wait to make them for my husband. Thanks for another great recipe

  23. This looks like something I could definitely do. Sounds delicious. I am featuring this recipe on my front page all week long, Be sure to stop by and check it out! Thanks for linking to Fat Camp Friday, see you next week!

  24. Hi Tina! Congrats on your Baked Tahong Recipe featured on Mangoes and Chutney! :D

  25. i don't know if you've been to Dampa here but just in case you haven't, it's like a "palutuan" near a seafood market. baked tahong is one of those dishes that i always order and thought nothing would beat Dampa's baked tahong. but the moment i saw your version, i would have to say that i stand corrected. yours is better in looks and flavor. it really looks yummy! and oh my gawd, cheese!!!

  26. @Jan: I've been to Dampa many times when I was still in the Philippines...and I remember how good their baked tahong is. I used to cook my baked tahong like Dampa's version, only with lots more cheddar cheese. But after experimenting, I found out that it's a lot better with cream cheese and panko bread crumbs, so that's how I cook it now...:)

  27. I love your version of baked tahong, whenever my hubby grills fajita... I make sure I have grilled tahong w/ minced garlic, butter and grated cheese toppings too. This time, I will try your baked mussels. Mmmm.... I can't wait :)

  28. thaks for this recipe i made some changes, instead of using panko breadcrumbs, i used italian bream crumbs and sprinkle some parmesan cheese too. it very delicious,my hubby is not a fan of mussels, but i can't believe it he almost ate all the first batch....

  29. I've done this baked mussel with butter and lots cheese toppings and it is very good and delicious, also. I've made your version and it more yummy. Great ingredients combination.
