Mother's Day Greetings and Another Bunch of Awards

Mother's Day is here...and I want to extend my warmest greetings to all the wonderful Moms out there.

This is our day! Relax...Have fun...Pamper yourself! No one deserves a break more than us!

Here's my Banana Bread with Walnut Crumble  for you to indulged on! This is my Mom's favorite and as my way of honoring her on Mother's Day, I'm sharing this recipe with you today!!!

Mother's Day is always special for me --- it's one of the few days of the year when I don't have to do any work. Ryan  does all the cooking, cleaning and most of the kid-tending. It's my day, and I'm not expected to do anything. Ryan gives me flowers (which he promised to do 'til death do us part) daughters give me cards and other handmade stuff and they are so obedient and well-behaved. For me, those are the best gifts a mother could get!

But this year, I feel it's more special! Last night, I got a message from Elisabeth of Food and Thrift Finds saying she has an award waiting for me. Actually, it's not just 1 award...there are 8 of them! Once again, I feel so honored! It means a lot to me to be noticed by another food blogger, especially someone whose blog I admire! It makes my existence as a blogger more meaningful and colorful! 

Thanks Elisabeth for passing these awards to me! I want you to know how much I appreciate them. Receiving these awards is such a wonderful Mother's Day gift! Again, thank you!(^.^)

I want to pass these awards to six of my recently discovered food bloggers whom I have loved within the short span of time I've been following them. I also want to share these awards to one of my most favorite food bloggers, Manu, whose blog I've been following since the first month of my blogging. I find them so deserving of these because of all the effort they put into their blog to be able to share mouthwatering food to their readers.

Anna of Anna's Table
Biren of Roti n Rice
Chris of Gourmet Fashion
Jenn of I Live to Eat
Manu of Manu's Menu

Each of you make the blogging world a whole lot better! Congratulations and more power!

Feel free to pass these on to anyone you feel worthy of these awards...


  1. Hi Tina-I am so happy that I met you and we follow each others' blog. I knew I did the right thing to pass forward the award to you, there's so much joy, and love in your blog, and your words, that one cannot ignore your beautiful dishes, and desserts you make.

    It all comes from your "heart" and just by looking at the photos without the recipe will tell a viewer, why!

    I'm so happy that you already posted it, and I appreciate the nice comments about me, and my blog!
    I posted your blog on my blogroll, so others could find you easier.
    Such a beautiful Mother's Day post...thank you, and wishing you a Happy Mother's day, as well!

  2. What a surprse. Tina thank you so much for this. What a beautiful mother's day gift. I think you already know that I love your blog and your recipes but that banana bread does look amazing, you definitely deserved that iron chef award! Thanks so much for your friendship. It means a lot to me.

  3. I’ve tagged you in my versatile award with a link to yor site. Check out the versatile award

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you and yours!

  5. Thank you so much, Tina! :)

    ...following your blog, too!

  6. Happy Mother's Day Tina, I wish you wonderful day! and congrats on all the awards!

  7. Many, many thanks for choosing me as one of your recipients of Eight in One Award. I'm lucky enough to receive two awards at the same time. I really appreciate it! Happy Week ahead of you and Happy Mother's Day!

    I'll be off for a while this week, but I have scheduled posts until Friday :)

  8. Tks Tina! I really got a shocked when I read the comment you left in my blog! I never expect that I'll get any awards from blogging bcoz I just started about 2 mths back, I'm not really so active in my blog too! But I'm really very happy and feel so honoured that you pass these awards to me too! This is one of the best Mother's day present for me this year! :D
    Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Hey Tina, first of all, a very Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing day. Thank you so much for thinking of me and passing these awards to me. Many thanks also for putting me on your blogroll. I am truly honored.

    Your banana bread with walnut crumble is perfect for Mother's Day!

  10. Tina, you have one of the best looking blogrolls! I don't think I've seen one that is as pretty and creative as yours. I am so honored...THANK YOU!

  11. Hi Tina, really tks for these awards and I'm going to share them with you again! LOL

  12. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.... and thank you!!! Receiving an award is always fantastic, but receiving it from someone you admire is so much better! I feel really honoured! :-)
    I am sure you are having a great Mother's Day! We went all out for a special lunch, so no cooking for me! ;-) Lovely recipe btw, it looks delicious!

    Have a great evening and enjoy your wonderful family! <3

  13. Hi Tina! Thank you for visiting my website and I am glad to find yours! Congratulations on your awards. This is my first time here, but I can tell your website is full of great recipes (such as this great looking banana bread!). I can't wait to follow you. :-)

  14. Tina, I'm humbled by your wonderful gesture. Thank-you for the awards. It's so uplifting to have my blog recognized. Given our recent contacts, the awards are even more special to me. I feel I've gained a new friend. Once again, thanks for the awards and your support in the cook-off challenge.
