Beef Brisket With Corn Kernels In Mushroom Sauce

My mom loved cooking lengua (ox tongue) in mushroom sauce.Though some people consider any dish with lengua exotic or unusual, back in the Philippines, it is a favorite to many Filipinos. Lengua Estofada (sometimes called Lengua Estofado), a dish of Hispanic origin, which is stewed ox tongue cooked in tomato sauce is the most common way of cooking lengua. I love it too but I love lengua in mushroom sauce more.

I remember last cooking it for Christmas Eve two years ago. "Ewww" was all I got from my daughters that's why I haven't cooked it since then. Yesterday was one of those days when I was terribly missing it. Because I know that my daughters won't be happy to see ox tongue on our table, I thought of substituting it with beef brisket.They actually love mushroom sauce & corn, it's just the texture of the lengua that they say bothers them, and of course, the thought that it's an animal tongue.

So, based from my mother's "Lengua with Corn Kernels in Mushroom Sauce" recipe, I cooked Beef Brisket with Corn Kernels in Mushroom Sauce for the first time. It was a hit I tell you! Rye loved it and Clarise & Cherlin both asked for a second serving, so I can say  they loved it too! My craving for my mom's lengua was satified! The beef brisket actually looked like lengua when covered with sauce. You'll just know it's not lengua the moment you bite it. But it was good...really good...and it made the four of us happy! :)

I'm sharing this on What's on the Menu Wednesday, Real Food Wednesday, Foodie Wednesday and Let's Do Brunch

Prep Time:~5 mins              Cook Time:~1 hour & 15 mins                Servings: 4-6       

  • 3-4 lbs beef brisket
  • 1 whole onion, quartered
  • 1 whole garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 1 Tbsp peppercorns
  • 2 pcs bay leaves
  • 2 Tbsp salt
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 cup fresh or canned corn kernels (I used fresh corn which I boiled with the beef.)
  • 1 ½ cup beef broth
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 pc. Knorr beef cube
  • 2 Tbsp cornstarch, dissolved in 2 Tbsp water
  • salt
  • pepper

1. Place beef brisket in a large saucepan and cover with water. Add garlic, onion, peppercorns, bay leaves and 2 Tbsp salt. 

2. Bring to a boil, remove the scum as it rises, lower the heat and simmer until tender. (I added 2 pcs. of corn on the cob after removing all the scum. I boiled them for about 15 minute, tranferred them to a plate to cool down then scraped the kernels off the cob using a knife.) It usually takes at least an hour to cook beef brisket, sometimes longer. When the beef is tender, lift it out of the broth and cool.

2. Strain the broth and cool, then chill to remove any fat that hardens on the surface.
3. When the beef has cooled, slice into about ¼ inch slices. Set aside. (If you have enough time, chill for at least an hour to make slicing easier. Chilled meat, even when very tender does not crumble easily when cut.)
4. Make the sauce. In a saucepan, sauté corn kernels and beef cube until beef cube is melted.

5. Add beef broth, milk and cream of mushroom soup. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper to suit your taste. Cook for 3 minutes while stirring. Add dissolved cornstarch. Keep on stirring until thick.

6. Add sliced beef and gently cover with sauce. Cook just until slices of beef are heated through. Remove from heat.

7. Serve with steamed rice or mashed potatoes!


  1. This is also quite popular at Malaysia, esp among the Eurasians and portugese from Melaka.

    Not my kind of food although it looks great.

  2. Tina, this looks really yummy. You know, in some areas of Italy ox tongue is a common dish too. In Milan it is usually eaten poached with different sauces on the side. I think it might have something to do with the common Spanish domination in both countries. Have a lovely day!

  3. I love lengua, too, but would hate to clean the tongue myself. I love this dish. Love the mushroom soup and the sweetcorn. Mad about sweetcorn. Yummmmmm!

  4. YUM YUM!! Too bad my parents don't take beef... :(
    Maybe I can try using other meats instead.. :)

  5. Looks amazingly yummo! I am always looking for new flavor combos! Thanks for sharing!

    All the best!

  6. Thanks for linking this to Let's Do Brunch. I love corn with anything and in any form. Although, this is a new combination to me, it looks and sounds scrumptious.

  7. Wow, this looks mouth-wateringly-yummy!

    Hope you don't mind, I have a couple suggestions:

    I always try to use organic corn/corn starch to avoid GMOs in our food.

    Also, I use organic canned soups and broth to avoid all sorts of icky stuff on those ingredient labels (especially Campbells, those are bad), or when it comes to broth, I just make my own, it's super easy and cheap and packed with nutrients. :)

    Thanks for joining in on Real Food Wednesday!


  8. @Lyn: This recipe works well on pork chops & chicken breast fillet too!
    @Kelly: Tnx for the suggestions!

  9. mmm this looks soo delicious! I love this combo! Yummy!

  10. That does sound yummy. I can't wait to spend some time looking around your blog.

    I love to cook and try new things. It does seem to take a little more time with kids around. You might enjoy my post:

  11. Another great recipe! "Yaya...are you writing this down?" =P

  12. Nice looking blog! Thank you for checking out and following my blog. I am following you back. Have a great day!

  13. This looks delicious! Thank you for sharing :)

    Corn is in season too!

  14. Oh... such tasty recipes you have here on your blog! New follower via vBoks and via GFC too. Looking forward to reading more recipes from you! Leche flan, almond cookies, mussels, green enchiladas ... oh, my! YUMMY!!!!

  15. Christina, you should have your own restaurant. You make the dishes look so beautiful. I bet Gordon Ramsey would have something nice to say about them!

  16. @Lexie Lane: You are so nice! But I'm sure Chef Ramsay would just say "What a crap!" LOL

  17. now following you..ty for the sweet comment

  18. Hi Tina! Looks like my kids will love this dish because of abundant corn on it! It looks very delicious. :-)

  19. What a great recipe. I am returning the follow. Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate it.

  20. love them...absolutely mouth watering..
    first time visiting your space...lovely blog you have with awesome posts..great clicks..
    Happy to follow u..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  21. I adore cooking blogs; so pleased to be following your delectable recipes!

  22. Sauce and beef brisket looks delicious.Mom's cooking is always unbeatable.

  23. Mmm...this looks so delicious! I'd be willing to try lengua, but I have to tell you...the beef really looks tasty! Actually since the prep time is like 5 minutes I'm scheduling this in for next week! Thanks so much for sharing!

    I'm so glad you found me...I'm also following you now!


  24. I am anxious to try this! The only way I have ever had brisket is smoked and BBQ'd. So this will be a fun new dish to try! Thanks Tina!

  25. Hi Tina! Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I love to cook and am always looking for new recipes so I'm sure I'll be visiting you here often!

  26. Hi Tina,
    What an interesting recipe. It really looks delicious and the recipe has lots of wonderful flavor.Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  27. I really enjoyed this post. I'm not sure I would be able to eat tongue either, so I'm really glad this lovely recipe works with beef brisket! Your sauce sounds fantastic. Thank you for sharing it with Let's Do Brunch. This week's linky is up now, so hope you will come by and link up another yummy recipe :)
