My 1st Blogging Award!!!

Just a while ago, I received a note from a fellow food blogger that she is passing on the Stylish Food Award to me! I am so honored! I am overjoyed to received my first award! I must admit that when I started Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner last January 14, I didn't know where I was heading. All I wanted that time was to be able to share my recipes. The past 47 days of blogging has truly been a wonderful journey for me! Each day, I learn new things that will help me improve not only as a cook but also as a blogger. And for this first award, I will forever be thankful to Saraworldcook of Homestyle Cooking Around The World! Thanks for choosing me and letting me know that someone truly appreciates what I'm doing! :)

If you haven't visited her blog, be sure to check it out! She has a wide variety of recipes that you'll surely love. My favorite is her Bacalaitos (Codfish Fritters)...I'm sure you'll love it too!

Following the rules of the award, I have to:

1.  Make a post about the award, thank the person/s who gave the award and put a link back to the person/s site.
2.  Share 7 things about myself.
3.  Pass the award to 10 recently discovered great bloggers.
4.  Contact these bloggers and personally tell them about the award.

7 Random things about me a.ka. PinayInTexas

1. I'm originally from the Philippines so I'm a Filipina (Pinay). It was in Nov. 2004 when I relocated here in Texas with my husband and eldest daughter.

2. I have a Christmas birthday…quite hated it when I was a kid for the main reason that I never got the chance to enjoy having separate Christmas and birthday gifts.

3. I’m a Registered Electrical Engineer (REE) in the Philippines - never practiced it though! I was an instructor for a year at UST Electrical Engineering Department…and Differential Equations, DC/AC Circuit Analysis, Electric Machinery and Electrical Shop Practice are the subjects that I handled. The next 6 six years of my career was spent as a Network and Datacom Engr. at China Banking Corporation. Then after that, my life as a full-time wife & mom started. :)

4. Perfume is one thing I can’t live without! Lacoste Pour Femme, Estee Lauder’s Pleasures and D&G Light Blue are among my faves.

5.I have RH- blood type and I'm among those 3% of the general population who have mitral valve prolapse.

6.I love cooking and I enjoy trying new recipes. Japanese food is my second favorite next to Filipino food! How I wish I can go to Japan for a taste of authentic Japanese food!

7. I've worked for 7 years...but it’s in the past 6 years of being a full-time mom that I experienced the greatest fulfillment in my life. Professional success – I admit I like it - but the fulfillment in knowing that I've been able to watch & guide my girls well during their growing up years is something no professional success could match!

10 blogs that I have recently discovered and want to pass on the award to:
(I've been following a number of food blogs and would love to give this award to all of them. But since I can only choose 10,  I picked the ones that I really like and find really stylish and original!)

a boardinghouse reach

eizel's everything culinary 

easy recipes stunning presentations

 a frog in the cottage

Cranberry Jam

Ekat's Kitchen 

The Farmer's Wife

A Little Sumpin' Sumpin'

Sprinkles of Flavor

Again, I'd like to express my gratitude to Sarahworldcook for the Stylish Blogger Award, and to all the my fellow bloggers and all my friends who take the time to read my posts and leave some comments. It is my sincerest wish that you enjoy the recipes I share with you! Happy cooking and happy eating everyone! :-*


  1. congrats and keep cooking and sharing. Soon many will be aware of your great food blog.

  2. Thanks Nava! More power to your blog! :)

  3. Congrats on your award, you totally deserve it! And Thank You so much for passing it on! I feel honored that you thought of me!

  4. Thank you so much for granting this award to me - this is a second this week - I'm both honored and humbled :)


  6. @Kimberly, Eizel & Kate: You deserve it, ladies! (^.^)

  7. thank you very much !!! this is my first too and i'm very happy & proud !!! i will make a post very very very soon (as it takes a little time)

    again, thank you thank you !!!!

  8. Thanks for the stylish blogger award and thinking of me!!! Keep up the great work!!! Enjoy your blog!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  9. @Clarinette & Lynn: You're welcome! You deserve it! :)
